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Roles in Engineering Productivity

Engineering Productivity (EngProd) is a vibrant community of teams and roles at Google.

See open positions

Software Engineer (SWE)

Software Engineers solve a broad range of computer science problems at Google. In EngProd, they build infrastructure, harnesses, and tooling to help improve engineering velocity and product excellence.

You might love this role if:

  • You love developing tools that make the engineering process better — be it command line tools, web services, debugging tools, test data factories, etc.
  • You’re passionate about high-quality software, but not so happy about shortcuts and hacks in the code.
  • You’ve worked to automate and remove repetitive and manual tasks because inefficiency is one of your least favorite things.
  • You believe that unless you can quantify or measure something, you probably can’t improve it.


Test Engineer (TE)

TE at Google is a technical role in Engineering that focuses on advancing product excellence and engineering productivity.

You might love this role if:

  • You have an unwavering passion for, and focus on, polished products, engineering excellence, and productivity.
  • You enjoy thinking through complex product and system interactions to find gaps, failure modes, and edge cases.
  • You've worked to automate and remove repetitive and manual tasks because inefficiency is one of your least favorite things.
  • You love to design, implement, and improve tools, frameworks, metrics, and processes.
  • You love to work, collaborate, and lead cross-functionally.


Frequently Asked Questions